Discoveries and innovations have been catalysts for revolution and social movements throughout history.The most rewarding inventions are those that serve and have the potential to impact society positively by improving the quality of life for people in communities. They also inspire others to explore and create innovative solutions for change.A successful social entrepreneur solves a social problem and is a change maker. It is not about how big your business is, how much profit you earn or how fast your business is expanding; it's about your impact. How many people are you impacting? Who are you influencing? Are you transforming the world? Is your business sustainable? And these questions are what fuels my soul. People who address, Social problems, vicious cycles of poverty and stagnation that must be addressed. The Give Work Challenge 2022, 1st edition finalists had me questioning how much more I could do to bring about Social change. I was impressed, watching them pitch to a live panel of judges, and if I was a judge, and had loads of money, I would have given them all grant funding. But only 4 could walk away with the award of $6000 each and a year of mentorship.These 4 change makers were the winners. Let's dive in!

Energy is constantly intertwined with economic and social development. Even though energy is the engine of civilization, access to adequate and affordable energy sources is not readily available or equally distributed. Poorer individuals, communities, or regions are generally equipped with the worst services. And with a lack of energy comes unhealthy living conditions, malnourishment, and limited access to education and global opportunities that the internet brings. Marginalized communities in Uganda have very limited access to energy sources, something Jesse, founder of Volt Kit, calls energy poverty. Jesse and his cofounder first piloted their energy solution with their families in Rural Uganda, and have since become the local Super heroes. Volt Kit collects lithium-ion batteries irresponsibly disposed of in communities and repurposes them into energy affordable storage systems that are lighting up entire homes in the village.

When I think of Arigiene limited, I feel allayed, and I see a sense of consideration for women-not dismissing men. However, we know that infections from water splash back are ten times more common in women than men.
Throbbing lower back pain, a burning sting when you pee, cloudy, smelly urine, and the urge to use the washroom every minute even though you have nothing to empty- does that sound familiar? Oh, and the constant Obgyn visits, and expensive medicine. The Embarrassment. Frank Mwakitakula from Kenya might just become your favorite change maker. . He significantly contributes to the high productivity of women by helping them regain their self-confidence and comfort. His anti splash back solution is a simple powder that you pour in the toilet bowl, and not even a stone will cause the gross splash back. It not only acts as an anti-splash back but also removes bathroom odors and disinfectants.

Water is a human right, and it's fundamental to human dignity. Aqua Bio reveals how this right is still denied for many people. Many people probably overlook the privilege of enjoying clean and safe water and never consider it a "sought-after luxury good." Everyone should be able to access clean water and adequate sanitation. Isn’t it a basic human right?
A few years ago, Prisca and Philip from Northern Uganda started Aqua Bio Sand Filters to provide safe and clean water for those with inadequate clean water supply in schools, hospitals, and rehabilitation centers. They recognize the human right to clean water and sanitation in a proven, effective and affordable way through their water treatment device. Using natures gift - sand, to purify natures other gift- water. Nature is on our side, we need to do better as human beings. Thank you Aqua Bio sands for being better.

Probably like me, the notion of biting into a bug or chewing on a cricket makes you squeamish. However, one of the many ways to address food insecurity is through insect farming. Insects are everywhere; they reproduce quickly and have high growth. Also, it's a staple food for Africans. So there is an aspect of culture.
Meet Olal, the entomologist behind Eco Dudu Ranch. He lost his job during the pandemic, and it was difficult for him to afford a balanced diet. He decided to farm crickets and sell them as an alternative protein source. It is not just about affordability, it's about food scarcity, it's about the unavailability of nutritious food for struggling individuals. Olal makes it easier for the individuals who cannot afford beef, mutton ,fish ,chicken or the likes. To make it better, you don't have to chew on a cricket. You could use insects as ingredients; cricket flour in cookies does not have that scary image. This strategy would work for most people who do not like the concept of munching on bugs.
Over 200 applicants sent in their social business ideas this season, and these 4, were the cream of the crop. It has been fantastic and exciting to observe the rise of purpose-driven businesses. Such businesses are the heart of social Impact. They bring hope to social enterprises and micro entrepreneurs, and keep the passion of the Givework movement alive. We can’t wait to see them scale their business, and employ youth in their communities, reducing poverty one job at a time.
Author : Antonia Wagura